Day 344

8 x 10 oils
Tuesday, Day 344 OR, 3 weeks, OR 21 days...

My words and thoughts for tonight are scrambled about. Why, I wonder, after 344 days of painting every blasted day AND blogging have I not improved these skills at all. It is damn frustrating. I know Georgia O'Keefe said that she painted things she had no words for, and I have used/leaned on this quote many times. But,

November will be here before I know it, and I will be standing  in front of people talking about myself, my art and my project. I am petrified. Sadly, the biggest obstacle still standing before me is my lack of voice. Rambling on in this blog is quite different than standing before a live group. 

On a positive note, and not to trivialize this project in any scope, I several groupings that I look forward studying in more depth and trying to develop into groups of cohesive bodies of art. 

I am excited to pursue these and other new avenues. 


One is not born a woman, one becomes one~Simone Beauvoir 
All website, text, graphics, content, and art work are the selection and arrangement thereof, Copyright © 2015 Valerie Dowdy Art, My View from 1502 and The Custom Brush ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any use of materials on this website - including reproduction, modification, distribution, or republication - without the prior written permission from Valerie Dowdy is strictly prohibited.